niedziela, 23 grudnia 2012

Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!!!

Wszystkim miłośnikom języka angielskiego - tym, którzy przychodzą na spotkania naszego kółka WORDS CLUB, ale również tym, którzy kiedyś do nas dołączą, a także wszystkim, którzy zaglądają na naszego bloga:
Serdeczne życzenia wesołych 
Świąt Bożego Narodzenia
wszystkiego najlepszego w 
Nowym Roku 2013!!!

May you and your families have a great Christmas and may the coming New Year bring you fun and lots of inspiration in your life!!!
Your English teacher Tom :-) 

środa, 19 grudnia 2012

The Best Christmas Song :-)

that ever existed!!! And you are simly the best! I just  can't find proper words to describe how brave you were at our last meeting. You were at least like Rambo - tough and strong!
You were like Master Yoda - patient and concentrated!

What can I say? You were better than Bear Grylls! 

You listened to The Best Christmas Song that ever existed and you survived!!! You're great! 

Okay, listen to Jon Lajoie again!And have fun! This is an unforgettable experience!

środa, 12 grudnia 2012

The final of the contest :-)

Hi there! 
I got lots of emails. Thanks for your efforts. You looked for the tips in the first chapter of our book and some of you were successful. Here you can check your answers:

Task 1:
1. After Jonathan Harker arrived at the hotel, the elderly man gave him a letter from Count Dracula.
2.The ride to the castle was not very enjoyable.

First of all the driver looked strange and behaved in an unnatural way. Besides, there was a mysterious blue flame in the dark forest. You can't also forget about a great number of wolves, howling and following Dracula's carriage. Remember? The horses were terrified - they shook with fright and jumped about. Jonathan was too afraid to speak or move.

3. Dracula didn't drink or eat anything.

As you probably remember, he said he had already eaten. What did he mean...? Ha, ha, ha...

Task 2:

1.nobleman 2.cheery-looking 3.rough 4.about 5.night 6.terribly 8.foot 9.into 10.that
...and the winners are:
Marysia Kanczewska
Ada Makowska
Noemi Rec
Mateusz Lickindorf
Ola Fitas

piątek, 7 grudnia 2012

The second task :-)

Hi everybody!
Here I've got another task for you. I think it's quite interesting. It's a bit challenging as well. 
Okay, take out the text I gave you at our meeting, the first chapter, you know, and look through it. Then do the test, it's not difficult. Good luck! I'm waiting for your answers 
(Wyciagnijcie tekst, który Wam dałem na naszym ostatnim spotkaniu, wiecie, pierwszy rozdział i przejrzyjcie go. Potem zróbcie test, nie jest trudny)

1.Before leaving for Transylvania to do business with a ................ of
this country, I did some research.
a) king b) nobleman c) lord d) chief
2.When I got near the door of the hotel, I faced a .............. landlady.
a) cheery-looking b) grim-looking
c) sad-looking d) mean-looking
3.The road was .............., but still we seemed to fly over it.
a) smooth b) hard c) soft d) rough
4.The horses began to act strangely and jump .............. wildly.
a) about b) up c) through d) over
5.I could see from the flash of our lamps that the horses were black as
a) morning b) noon c) evening d) night
6.I grew .............. afraid, but the driver was not at all disturbed.
a) terrible b) terribly c) terror d) terrorise
7.This was all so strange that I was afraid .............. speak or move.
a) to b) of c) for d) without
8.Inside stood a tall old man dressed in black from head to .............. .
a) leg b) waist c) foot d) knee
9.He took my bags, and I followed him .............. the house.
a) into b) out of c) under d) from
10.„You will excuse me .............. I do not eat with you,” said the Count.
a) when b) where c) then d) that

Below you can see some photos I took when I was on my holiday in Transylvania
Sighisoara, Romanian town associated with Dracula

Sighisoara, Romanian town associated with Dracula
Sighisoara. The house where Dacula was born :-)

You see? I'm not joking - this is HIS house!
Souvenirs for tourists :-) Plates with the portrait of Dracula

You can also buy a mug with Dracula

Maybe a nice statue to your bedroom...? :-)

czwartek, 6 grudnia 2012

The first task

Hi guys! As I promised - this is your first task. 
Have a look at the short version of the chapter we read last Wednesday. There are three things that didn't really happen. Find them! 
(Popatrzcie na krótką wersję rozdziału, który przeczytaliśmy w zeszłą środę. Są tam trzy rzeczy, które tak naprawdę się nie wydarzyły. Znajdźcie je!) 

Send your answers to my email address:

"After Jonathan Harker arrived at the hotel, the landlady gave him a
letter from Count Dracula. The following day, Jonathan left on a coach
for Borgo Pass, where Dracula’s coach would meet him and take him
to the castle. The ride to the castle was very enjoyable, and Jonathan
saw a strange blue flame and heard the sound of many wolves. When
Jonathan arrived at the castle, Dracula met him at the door, took his
bags, and led him to a room where supper was waiting for him. Dracula
drank wine and later said that the sound of wolves was like beautiful

wtorek, 4 grudnia 2012

What's the name of the most famous vampire in the world???

Some of you, especially girls, may say it's Edward Cullen but you're wrong of course!!! The most famous vampire is one guy from Transylvania called Count Dracula. 
Some people believe he used to live in the middle of Carpatian Mountains in his castle located on Borgo Pass
Dracula's Castle 
Well, Words Club is waiting for you! Come and meet... 
Ladies and gentelmen... miiiiiiiisteeeeeeeer Draaaaaaaaaaaaaacuuuuuuuuuuulaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! 
Take some garlic... ;-)